At the present time all jobs are voluntary. In the future some will be paid. See our vision below.   At the present time a museum layout might seem presumptuous but nevertheless we have given this some thought. See our vision at the bottom of the Museum Content page (shortcut above).

We are now at the very start of this exciting project. If you feel that you can help us now please contact us either by email via the Webmaster (below) or by attending any of our Tuesday Meetings (see Home page).

It’s all our history


Matt Goodman

David Austin

SLHS: Museum Officers Needed

We have canvassed a great number of people and without doubt, with no exceptions, everyone wants this museum in Stratford. However this cannot just be the Goodman & Austin Show. We need help. Your help. Your help can be modest or a bit more of a contribution to help this happen and run.

We know that this will be a rewarding museum to create and run.

The following are now in place but with vacancies as shown..


Whilst some care has been taken to check externally linked websites no responsibility is offered nor implied for the suitability, legality or reliability of content therein.

Statements are made here to the best of our knowledge. However no statement here should be regarded as irrefutable fact.

To return to Master page click on ‘New Museum’ above.

New MuseumNewMuseumMasterPage.html

Last update: 31/10/2024

Created: 13/05/2024


Senior Project Manager


Publicity Officer

Historian & Writer



Membership Secretary

Exhibition Organiser

Fund Raiser

Legal & Charity Advisor

Social Media Editor

- Matt Goodman

  1. -David Austin

  2. -One possible offer

  3. -Vacancy

  4. -Vacancy

  5. -Matt Goodman

  6. -Vacancy

  7. -Vacancy

  8. -Vacancy

  9. -Vacancy

  10. -One possible offer

  11. -Vacancy

Could be the same person or husband & wife/partners

Further Information..

  1. Our vision for Stratford (download 1Mb):    Stratford District Local History Museum Plan-USPDesign v2 May2024.pdf

  2. Our envisioned Timeline (download 280k): SDLHM_DevelopmentPlan_Timeline.jpg

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