We are now at the very start of this exciting project as we said before. We need to get a body of Officers together and we need to publicise the project. If you feel that you can help us now, particularly with a donation to pump prime the work here please contact us either by email via the Webmaster (below) or by attending any of our Tuesday Meetings (see Home page).

It’s all our history


Matt Goodman

David Austin

SLHS: Funding Request

It is all very well for the residents, visitors and councils to want a broad-spanning museum in which to place and expound Stratford’s buoyant history but it isn’t going to be atched out of thin air. We do not expect to build such a building from scratch indeed it would be lovely to make use of one that is full of history in its own right.

Such a building will need many of these:


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Statements are made here to the best of our knowledge. However no statement here should be regarded as irrefutable fact.

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New MuseumNewMuseumMasterPage.html

Last update: 31/10/2024

Created: 13/05/2024

Refurbishment & decoration

Fitting out with wall panels, displays

Power arrangements,


AV facilities

Education areas



An especially secure room

We cannot envisage this all coming straight away but please do see our ultimate aim at the bottom of the Museum Content page (shortcut above).

As experienced Senior Project Managers you would think us foolish if we hadn’t thought of when things might happen and so to the right we have an outline plan but any plan will be just hot air if we don’t work at it (unpaid of course) and a number of people donate their time and money to achieve the goal.

Further Information..

  1. Our vision for Stratford (download 1Mb):    Stratford District Local History Museum Plan-USPDesign v2 May2024.pdf

  2. Our envisioned Timeline (download 280k): SDLHM_DevelopmentPlan_Timeline.jpg

We need your help at this early stage.

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