SLHS About Stratford Local History Society

This website came about as a result of a need to make known the history of the town beyond that of just William Shakespeare.

The project started when one of the contributors made a presentation to the local U3a History Group entitled Big Histories: Stratford which highlighted why Stratford as a town has so much nationally, and internationally, significant history independent of it’s famous playwright.

It’s hoped to complete construction of the site within one year so please bear with us whilst construction is under way. While that happens links are coloured according to the data’s Traffic Light Status.

The bulk of the information will logically be found within the Histories subsection. Do make use of the Geographic and Timeline indexes or the shortcuts at the top right of any page. Contributions are welcome from local people and otherwise.

We receive no funding at present but if you know of a way that we can that would be helpful to know. Thank you.

Please contact the Webmaster below.

It’s all our history


Current local Contributors are:

Matt Goodman

Richard Thomas

Helen Elliott

David Austin


Whilst some care has been taken to check externally linked websites no responsibility is offered nor implied for the suitability, legality or reliability of content therein.

Statements are made here to the best of our knowledge. However no statement here should be regarded as irrefutable fact. Please contact us if you consider otherwise.

This website has not been optimised for mobile phones. However if you experience any issues please let the Webmaster know.

See also:  Feedback

Our Publicity

See our:  Specialist Links

What Next

New Museum Needed


See our:  Contributor’s Guide

If you are new please click the icon above.

Last update: 12/06/2024

Created: 23/06/2023