SLHS: Helpful Information For Contributors
SLHS: Helpful Information For Contributors
SLHS are obviously always happy to receive material in whatever form so here’s a short guide.
1. What Is Suitable Material ?
Firstly all material must be offered on the following basis:
•It is a free and casual gift - we have no budget so cannot pay contributors.
•You are assuming that we may publish it.
•However some or all may not be published for reasons of defamation, libel, obscenity, copyright, etc. You may discuss any matter with the Editor but the final decision must be left to them.
•The style of writing is in documentary form ie third person.
2. How To Offer Material
As a general guide:
•We are quite happy to format any suitable material be it hand-written or electronic form.
•We can scan photographs or go out and take photographs for you.
•As you will have seen ideally pages should be at the most a few hundred words long to open, and give a taster for, a subject.
•We like links to further information so feel free to scatter links as you see fit.
•If there’s a lot more research that can’t be linked to for whatever reason (perhaps a book is out of print or nobody has ever delivered it online) then maybe the subject is best delivered in a downloadable document. We can easily make a PDF from any source.
•It may not be published in exactly the form that you offer it to us for reasons of logic, consistency of style, referencing, etc.
3a. Copyright Of Third Party Material
Reference to copyright material:
•Anyone may freely link to any internet material whether it is copyright or not. We will check all links.
•If you are copying copyright material, or don’t know if it is or not, then please warn of this in your material -be it text or image. There is a creative commons attribution that allows copying in certain circumstances and we will make a judgement based upon what you offer. Ideally verbatim copying should be surrounded by quotation marks and a reference given as you will have seen on pages here and there.
We’re Here To Help
Contact us anytime by visiting us (see Home page) or email the Webmaster on the link to the left. Or ring: 0*7*7*6*1 9*7*3*3*6*5 (stars added to prevent scammers)
4. References To You
If you would like a credit for material that you supply we are happy to do that -please let us know. Once published we are happy to remove a credit later. Once published we would rather not remove the material itself as someone may be relying on it -hence the gifting in Section 1 above.
3b Copyright Of Contributor’s Material
Our policy:
•If we publish your material we cannot protect it and it may well be copied by any person. Besides the whole point is for universities, colleges, schools and ordinary people to learn from what is provided.
We look forward to hearing from you..
It’s all our history
Further Information..
When doing research it may be helpful to understanding geographic references: British OS Grid Coordinates Explained
Last update: 31/10/2024
Created: 27/10/2023
Theatres ●
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