SLHS Future Developments Master Page


Whilst some care has been taken to check externally linked websites no responsibility is offered nor implied for the suitability, legality or reliability of content therein.

Statements are made here to the best of our knowledge. However no statement here should be regarded as irrefutable fact. Please contact us if you consider otherwise.

Last update: 31/10/2024

● These items have aspects that uniquely contribute to national or world history.

Future Stratford

Searching For Information..

Information specific to the projects above will be referenced on the pages linked to above. For all other information select from here..


  2. UK Government:


  2. Warwickshire County Council

  3. Search for any file: Homepage Search


  5. If you are unsure which council to contact:  Which Town Council Service Do You Need?  (If your requirement is not listed then it will be one of the other tiers)

  6. Stratford District Council

  7. Search for any file: File Search     (Ten results per page:  Don’t forget to scroll down as there may be many pages of answers found)

  8. Stratford Town Council

  9. Search for any file: File Search     (Search Failure:  If your search criteria are not met nothing happens ie the page to the right remains white)


  1. Stratford Business Improvement District

  2. Since 2009:   Official Website

  3. Stratford Neighbourhood Plan

  4. Founder: Stratford Town Council: Mayor Bill Dowling:   Working Parties     Local Figures & Maps

  5. Stratford Vision

  6. Founder: Denys Shortt   News: Insider

  7. Stratforward

  8. Founder:  Mark Hasleden

  9. World Class Stratford

  10. Founder: Jeff Ligo.   Statement (87k download):  StratfordVision_VisionForStratfordUponAvon_July2005.pdf


Managing Change

We live in a democracy and we pay for our national and local government to conduct many duties on our behalf. One of those duties is to consider what changes happen in our society. Those changes are measured against an agreed policy. If you feel that a change does not adhere to that then you need to contact the correct layer of national or local government.

Four Tiers

We are slightly unusual here because we are under four tiers of government. You will need to discern which tier of government is applicable to your query as set out below.

Local Core Planning Strategy

Whilst local Councils have agreed upon each area of responsibility the District Council are Stratford’s local upper tier of government. Their strategy is set out in a range of documents which are accessed on the page linked to the right. Notice that they are reviewed routinely.

This document by Colliers CRE of Marylebone was one of several that fed into this:

Shopping in the District (10Mb download):  SDC_ConvenienceGoodsRetailStudy_ED454_Colliers_June2008.pdf


Proposed Town Centre Improvements And  Pedestrianisation

There are many WCC reports linked from image to the right.

Interesting is the feasibility of town centre improvements and part pedestrianisation at £18M including the recommendation for closure of High Street 1100-1600. See the 16Mb download report listed there with the cover as shown here.

Whilst many links are given on this page in order to download copies it appears to be necessary to use the links at the very bottom.

Again use the links at the very bottom.

  1. Data Availability

  2. ● Full

  3. ● Partial

  4. ● None