SLHS Tiddington Ford
SLHS Tiddington Ford
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There is a theory that not only was there a ford in Stratford where Clopton Bridge is now but there was also one about 2km up stream at Tiddington. This site is currently owned by a caravan park.
Route Of Road Beyond Tiddington Ford
If so it would bear truth to the thinking that after crossing the river hear then men would ascend the Welcombe Hills via the dug out roadways currently used by the Welcombe Hotel, but which are known to be ancient, round Welcombe Castle and currently known well-worn footpaths, to eventually join King’s Lane further north.
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Last update: 01/11/2024
Created: 27/10/2024
Avon Caravan Park have erected a bridge across the River Avon near to the site.
Welcombe Castle
Tiddington Ford